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Getting started with NestJS S3 module

This is a simple NestJS AWS S3 library that allows you to use the AWS SDK v3 in a more friendly and familiar way, by providing you with injectable services for managing things like buckets and objects.

Getting Started​

To start using the module you first need to install it by simply running

yarn add @lab08/nestjs-s3


npm install @lab08/nestjs-s3

Using the module​

The module support multiple ways to initialize it.

The strait approach is simply just calling S3Module.forRoot and specifing the region, access key id and secret access key.

region: 'eu-west-1',
accessKeyId: 'test',
secretAccessKey: 'test',

However, there are times, where the configuration is loaded from a service or depends on other providers. This can be achieved using the S3Module.forRootAsync.

useFactory: () =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
region: 'eu-west-1',
accessKeyId: 'test',
secretAccessKey: 'test',

Here is also an example, that uses the @nestjs/config.

useFactory: (config) => {
return config.get<S3Config>('config-key');
inject: [ConfigService],
import: [ConfigModule],